In 2006, in terms of Cosmote CSR initiative, we conceptualized, designed and implemented, for the first time in Greece, the innovative program «Έλα στον Αθλητισμό» in collaboration with A2K, aiming to evaluate the athletic capabilities of children 9-16 years old and prompt them to engage with sports, adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. With Pyrros Dimas as the program’s ambassador and the School of Physical Education and Sports Science as our key partners, we hit the road with a fully equipped mobile unit. The roadshow was hosted in numerous cities inviting children to participate in a series of especially designed sports activities that unfolded in dedicated locations. Scientific personnel measured each child’s speed, stamina, endurance, flexibility for upper and lower body in relation to height, weight, fat percentage measurements and prepared a personal evaluation essay that was sent within 30 days along with information on nutritional habits. The program had a major turnout and became a yearly institution conducted for three consecutive years leading more than 30.000 children to find their athletic calling…